
Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Heist

The Heist

   “What’s this?” Rock eyed the rust bucket with distaste.
   “A sidecar,” Damien stated the obvious.
   “What is it about getaway car that you didn’t understand?”
   Damien revved the motorcycle’s engine, grinning wider as the sound echoed through the back-alley of brownstones.
   Rock looked over his shoulder, swearing under his breath as the men standing on the corner glanced over with interest.
  “You comin'?” Damien tossed him the small pith helmet. “Diamond’s not going to steal itself.”
   “Sometimes I wonder if you’re really a boy genius.” Rock cast him a dubious glance as he fastened the chin strap and climbed into the cramped sidecar. The body of it dropped against the tires as his weight settled against the frame.
   “Who you callin’ a boy, ol’ man?”
   “Don’t push it,” Rock warned as Damien pulled back on the throttle. The old relic lurched forward, the back tire groaning in protest. “Couldn’t you have at least found a riding lawnmower?”
   Damien’s laughter was lost to the engine’s roar.

   “How much longer will this take?” Rock checked his watch as Damien attached wires to the leads in the control box and clicked a few keys.
   “Quicker than it takes your Viagra to kick in.” Damien snapped his laptop shut. The dim blue light went out leaving them in darkness. “See?”
   They both switched on the infra-red night vision goggles they wore.
   “Now I do.” Using hand signals Rock motioned for silence. They easily maneuvered past the glowing lines that crisscrossed the house. Using skills he’d honed in the Special Forces along with some he’d learned elsewhere, they arrived at the study. . . . Boy genius handled the safe.
   A moment later, Rock held the huge diamond up, weighing it in his hand. In that instant the lights clicked on, illuminating the room as two men and a woman came out of the adjoining one.
   “Excellent.” The older woman smiled before turning to the man who stood next to her. “As you’ve seen from the hidden cameras we’ve installed, there are a few glitches in your security system, Senator. With the improvements we’ve recommended, there shouldn’t be any problem with insuring your diamond with Anderson’s firm. She glanced to the other gentlemen who nodded.
   “Impressive to say the least, Mrs. Karakas.” Mr. Anderson stepped forward to take the diamond Rock offered up.
   “My boys are the best!” She beamed.
   “I can’t thank you enough,” the senator said with relief. “I can sleep better tonight knowing the problems I’ve been having are over.
   “Sure thing.” Rock smiled, he was more than aware of the problems. He’d planned them. “Now that your assets are safe, we’ll take our leave.”

   “You boys get it?” their mom asked a moment later when she joined them on the curb outside.
   “Of course.” Rock handed her the small chip that they’d come for.
   “What do you take us for, amateurs?” Damien laughed. “When the senator sells those government secrets tonight, a new version of Zombie Destroyers will reign supreme.”
   Seeing her confusion, Rock spoke up, “After they insert the altered version of the stolen intel, the new virus boy genius here has developed will take over their hard drives, making them wish they were dead.”
   “Now that I’d like to see.” Their mom chuckled. “Well done.”
   “Anyone up for a hamburger?” Damien suggested just as a red Jaguar rounded the corner, stopping in front of them. “Natasha,” he whispered in awe.
   Wearing a smug grin, Rock looked over at the younger man. “I’ll have to take a rain check. As you can see, my ride’s here, and the night is still young.”

This was written for a 600 word or less competition and I challenged myself to see how many twists I could create in that short span. . . . I only managed two. Maybe next time. :O)

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